Some of Our Favorite Euphorbias

The huge, diverse Euphorbia genus contains some of our favorite plants for low-water, low-maintenance gardens. Euphorbias come in a huge variety of shapes and forms—from columnar plants that look a lot like cacti to dense, low-growing shrubs—and we’ve got quite a few of them ready and available now for your orders. Read on!


Euphorbias make a striking display in a retail nursery space


Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Sticks on Fire,’ with its striking gradient of leaf colors and characteristic euphorbia toughness, is a great plant for bringing color and drama to drought-tolerant landscapes.


Euphorbia ‘Leucodendron’ (above) has similar forking pencil-shaped leaves like E. tirucalli, but with a deep green color that makes it look a bit like an aquatic plant.


Plump, low-growing euphorbias like Euphorbia resinifera (above and below) have a totally different aesthetic; E. resinifera grows in an adorably dense mound of fat finger-shaped stems. The mounds look interesting highlighted on their own (below) but could also be used as a kind of ground cover in a dry bed.

Euphorbia resinifera is especially tough, tolerating temperatures below 20F and winter rain with no problem. It's from the slopes of the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, where the climate is similar to inland Southern California.


Euphorbia anoplia ‘Mother Hubbard’ is aptly named because of how the little baby stems clump at the foot of the larger barrels. This plant, like the other euphorbias featured here, can also be grown indoors in a room with lots of light; they can even tolerate direct sun on a windowsill.


In the garden, euphorbias should have a warm sheltered spot with good sun and excellent drainage. They prefer slopes where water can run off, and they also love being near radiant south- or west-facing walls or fences. They are summer growers and will need additional water during this time, when dry. Generally they aren't hungry, though if you'd like to fertilize, do so with an all-purpose fertilizer applied at 1/4 strength.

These and other euphorbias are available now for your orders! Check out our full availability list for more info.

Susie Nadler