Large Specimen Plants and Trees Ready for Your Landscapes

Looking for mature plants and trees for your large-scale landscape projects? We have lots of gorgeous specimen material available in large sizes, from bamboo to rare palms to large succulents.

In the background: Bambusa oldhamii (timber bamboo) and Syagrus romanzoffiana (queen palm) in large sizes

In the background: Bambusa oldhamii (timber bamboo) and Syagrus romanzoffiana (queen palm) in large sizes

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Giant Bambusa oldhamii, also known as timber bamboo, is an excellent choice for privacy hedging with decorative flair, as shown in these beautiful designs by Daniel Nolan (pictured above and below left). We’ve got this plant in 25-gallon size ready to go for large installations, and the crop is looking great.

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Phoenix dactylifera ‘Zahidi’ (above), with its dramatic upright form, makes a beautiful statement on its own or in a group. This palm is a very slow grower, but we have a nice crop of large specimens available for instant impact in your designs. Zahidi date palms tolerate cooler, humid coastal California climates as well as blazing desert heat.

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Brahea edulis, the Guadalupe palm, is a great choice for landscapes throughout coastal California. It loves life in San Francisco, where the climate is amazingly similar to its native Guadalupe Island. Brahea edulis grown by Grubb and Nadler are featured in many municipal landscapes in SF, all along Cesar Chavez Street and in the McCoppin Hub parklet in the Mission neighborhood (above).

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Our Italian cypress crop, Cupressus sempervirens, is looking healthy and ready to go in both 15-gallon and 25-gallon size.

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Susie Nadler