They're Ready! Super-Size Succulents and Other Large Low-Water Plants
We’ve been working steadily on growing our succulents and other drought-tolerant plants into big juicy sizes ready for large-scale garden designs—and the effort is paying off! We currently have a fantastic product mix of these show-stopping low-water plants in 15-gallon and 25-gallon sizes.
Agave desmettiana
Among our thriving collection of agaves, we have Agave desmettiana, Agave americana, Agave americana ‘Mediopicta Alba', Agave attenuata, and Agave Franzosinii (pictured below) all available in 15-gallon and/or 25-gallon. Check out our full availability list for details!
Agave americana
Agave franzosinii and Dasylirion wheeleri at Clos Pegase Winery in Calistoga, CA. Design by Daniel Nolan.
Dracaena draco, a native of the Canary Islands, also thrives on very little water and is incredibly hardy, too. It doesn’t mind extreme heat or wind and will even tolerate a mild frost.
Dracaena draco (in tall pots)
Dasylirion wheeleri (above, at Clos Pegase Winery) is a true drama queen, with its elegant silvery needle-like foliage and towering sunset-colored blooms. We’ve got lots of small specimens of this plant available now, with larger sizes ready to go in a matter of weeks.
Dasylirion longissimum (foreground below) has even sharper grass-like leaves and an airy, less dense appearance than Dasylirion wheeleri. This plant is available now in big gorgeous 15-gallon size!
If you’re interested in learning more about these plants and other similar varieties, send an e-mail to our team at or fill out the contact form. We’d love to help put together your order!
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