Fabulous Ferns Looking Lush and Lovely
Our fern crops are looking especially healthy, vibrant, and lush! Ferns are excellent evergreen foliage, filling a variety of roles in the landscape and the home. We’ve got a wide selection ready to go for your orders.
Phlebodium aureum ‘Blue Star’
Phlebodium aureum ‘Blue Star’ is a vigorous tropical fern with a simple, graphic blue-green frond that grows from creeping rhizomes. It’s versatile, tolerating quite high light levels as well as shade. It's great in well-drained soils and in containers and hanging baskets.
Phlebodium aureum ‘Blue Star’
Blechnum gibbum ‘Silver Lady’
Blechnum gibbum 'Silver Lady' is a very popular miniature tree fern that can be a focal point in a landscape, a repeating accent with its symmetrical rosette crowns, or a container plant. It scales down the silhouette of more familiar tree ferns like Dicksonia antarctica to fit into smaller spaces.
Blechnum gibbum ‘Silver Lady’
Asplenium ‘Austral Gem’
Asplenium 'Austral Gem' is a tough evergreen foliage plant for shade. It’s not too thirsty and it will tolerate some root competition.
Davalia tyermannii
Davallia tyermannii, the picturesque rabbit's foot fern, is an epiphyte and grows well in a hanging basket. Grow it in bright shade outdoors in mild regions (with protection where frost occurs) or indoors. It can be placed to crawl over a rock or a piece of wood and show off its fuzzy rabbit's-foot rhizome.
Asplenium nidus
Asplenium nidus, the bird's nest fern, is a luscious tropical epiphytic fern that is surprisingly versatile. Its smooth, tongue-like fronds are unmistakable. It's a very popular houseplant but also grows well in light soils, containers, and even mounted and in hanging baskets outdoors in mild climates. Bright shade is best.
Asplenium nidus ‘Victoria’
Phlebosia ‘Nicholas Diamond’
Phlebosia 'Nicholas Diamond' is a new hybrid fern with lots of promise. One parent is a tough, cold-hardy Japanese species and the other is a vigorous semitropical American fern. Both can tolerate less water than many ferns, and both grow as epiphytes or in light soils. They tolerate high light levels and do well in containers and hanging baskets.
Check out our full availability list to learn more about our available fern selections, or contact our team at hello@grubbandnadler.com to inquire about ordering. We look forward to working with you!
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